1. Connect with truth, not falsity!
Instead of connecting with falsity; connect with truth — your truth. Reach deep within, and reconnect with the essence of your being. Separate yourself from the lies and illusions which are not you.
2. Discover what you are, by understanding what you aren’t!
You are not your things, your titles, your status, your bank account, your IRA, your portfolio, your credit score, your degree, your intelligence, your feelings, your occupation, your town, your sports team, your nation or your religion. You are not even your emotions, judgments or your fears. You are something much deeper and much more wonderful. You are something that intellect and science can never even begin to fully describe.
3. Don’t blame yourself for stress or feelings of weakness!
There is a vast war against life, beauty and nature unfolding in this world. You are a part of that nature which is under great strain.
5. Be consistently and peacefully there — for yourself!
Sit with yourself, face yourself, and make peace with yourself, because you cannot escape yourself. You can’t run from thing to thing and person to person and expect to create anything meaningful in your life. No matter where you run, to a rural village or a big city, to a new job, or a new partner — there you are, the same you. Without inner tranquility and wisdom, we are tormented wherever we go.
6. Look for the beauty in life to find beauty within!
Beauty is everywhere, speaking to you and trying to remind you who you really are. Noticing the beauty will begin to heal you. Notice the beauty everywhere. Notice the beauty within you.
(You are reading a portion of writings from the #1 National Best-Seller, “Simple Reminders.”)