Capacity building is an important component of human resource
development in an organization. By developing the capacities of human
resources, the organizations as well as the employees make progress.
However capacity building is not as simple as it appears at first
instance. It demands a systematic planning much ahead of the actual
training starts. Especially in the backdrop of the kind of work we the
NGOs are involved with and the resources we have, it becomes all the
more important to adopt a systematic approach towards capacity building
or training so that the desired results may be achieved.
Given the importance of capacity building, many of the projects also do
involve the component of capacity building these days. In such cases we
think of training as just a project activity and most of the time get
entangled in hardware aspects as making logistic arrangements, engaging a
trainer or facilitator etc. and do not focus on software aspect which
is the soul of bringing the social change we are aiming at.
Hence, to develop the employees through their capacity building or to
bring about a positive change in the society at large through training
as a project activity, we must follow a systematic path as follows:
Identify the training needs through training need assessment:
First of all we need to know the gap areas where the training is needed.
To identify these gaps a systematic analysis is required. This involves
finding answers to questions whether training is actually needed or
which are the areas that need an improvement through training. There are
several methods which may be used for training need assessment such as
questionnaires or focused group discussions etc. Based on the target
group we should choose the method for need assessment.
Set the objectives of training:
Once training needs get identified, we need to set the objective of our training programme to fulfill these needs.
Finalize the contents or topics for the training:
Based on the need areas and objectives,
we need to finalize the contents of the training as what we are going to
make participants learn in the training programme.
Prepare a training design:
After the objectives are set, we need to
prepare a training design or outline as how the training programme will
run. This is one of the most crucial stages of organizing a training
programme as the success of training depends much on the fact that how
cautiously we have drawn the outline of the training. Concerning the
objectives and available resources and time we have, we need to put the
contents of the training in a time frame. At this stage only we need to
choose our methodologies for the training. It should be noted that
methodologies must be according to the content, target group and the
objective of the training. You may opt for different methodologies for
different topics or sessions. Simultaneously you need to foresee the
logistic requirement for taking up the session at this stage only and
you should write it down in your training design so that you may arrange
them beforehand. Thus your training design should include:
- What contents will be taken up in the training and their time limit
- What methodologies will be adopted for the contents
- What materials will be needed
Develop a module for the training:
Based on your design, develop a module
for the whole training programme. The module should include each and
every step of each and every session you are taking up in the training.
In short it should have a session by session description of how to
proceed. It will guide as how to move a session smoothly. Try to include
the basic reference material also in your module or refer to other
available references for a fuller understanding of the topic you are
going to take up. Do not forget to discuss the module with other
trainers or facilitators if you are engaging someone else for the
training. This will make the sessions go smoother and will also wash of
confusions earlier.
Organize the training:
Finishing the above tasks you may proceed with the organizing training programme as per your training module.
Evaluation of the training:
Evaluation of training is very important
to measure whether the objectives of training are fulfilled. Hence do
not forget to evaluate your training programme. You may go for the
mid-term evaluation if it’s a long term training programme to judge
whether it’s going in the right direction and mend it if required. A
participatory evaluation is always more beneficial.
Source: Fundsforngos